Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
VLAN ID translation
See VLAN mapping
VLAN load balancing
REP 20-4
VLAN load balancing, triggering 20-6
VLAN load balancing on flex links 19-2
configuration guidelines 19-6
VLAN Management Policy Server
VLAN mapping
1-to-1 25-8
1-to-1, configuring 25-11
configuration guidelines 25-10
configuring 25-11
configuring on a trunk port 25-11
default 25-9
described 1-2, 25-7
selective QinQ 25-8
selective Q-in-Q, configuring 25-12
traditional QinQ 25-8
traditional Q-in-Q, configuring 25-12
types of 25-8
VLAN maps
applying to a VLAN 47-29
configuration example 47-30
configuration guidelines 47-25
configuring 47-24
creating and deleting entries 47-26
defined 47-3
denying access example 47-31
denying packets 47-26
displaying 47-32
order of entries 47-25
permitting packets 47-26
router ACLs and 47-32
using (figure) 47-5
using in your network 47-29
VLAN maps, PACL and Router ACLs 47-41
allowed on trunk 15-6
configuration guidelines 13-3
configuring 13-5
configuring as Layer 3 interfaces 30-7
customer numbering in service-provider
networks 25-3
default configuration 13-4
description 1-10
extended range 13-3
IDs (default) 13-5
interface assignment 13-7
limiting source traffic with RSPAN 51-23
monitoring with RSPAN 51-22
name (default) 13-5
normal range 13-3
overview 13-1
reserved range 13-3
See also PVLANs
VLAN Trunking Protocol
VLAN trunks
overview 15-3
VLAN User Distribution, configuring 802.1X 40-65
configuration file example 13-32
configuring dynamic access ports on client 13-25
configuring retry interval 13-27
database configuration file 13-32
dynamic port membership
example 13-29
reconfirming 13-26
reconfirming assignments 13-26
reconfirming membership interval 13-26
server overview 13-21
VMPS client
administering and monitoring 13-28
configure switch
configure reconfirmation interval 13-26
dynamic ports 13-25