Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 40 Configuring 802.1X Port-Based Authentication
Configuring 802.1X Port-Based Authentication
Note Ensure that the VLANs you specify as part of the VLAN group are enabled on the switch. Only specified
VLANs are considered for assignment.
Step 2 Configure the individual ports for multidomain, single-host or multiple- host.
For details, refer to the “Enabling 802.1X Authentication” section on page 40-28.
show commands
Use the following show commands to display the member VLANs in a VLAN group:
The following examples show outputs of the show vlan group command:
Switch# show vlan group all
Group Name VLANs Mapped
---------------- -------------------
eng-dept 3-4
Switch# show vlan group group-name my_group user-count
VLAN : Count
3 : 1
4 : 0
5 : 2
7 : 0
9 : 0
In this example, VLANs 3,4, 5, 7, and 9 are members of the VLAN group my group.
show command Purpose
show vlan group all Displays the member VLANs for all the VLAN
groups configured on the device.
show vlan group group-name vlan-group-name Displays the member VLANs in a VLAN group
with the given VLAN group name.
show vlan group group-name vlan-group-name
user-count Displays the user count for each of the member
VLANs of the specified VLAN group
This feature counts only authenticated users and
MAC addresses added through port security for
distribution. It does not consider other learned
MAC addresses. As of Cisco IOS Release
12.2(54)SG, the user count for a VLAN is
incremented when a host is learned through port
security, 802.1X, MAB, or fallback authentication
on that VLAN.