
Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 50 Configuring Storm Control
Enabling Multicast Storm Control

The following example shows how to enable storm control on interface:

Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# interface fa3/1
Switch(config-if)# storm-control broadcast level 50
Switch(config-if)# end
Switch# show storm-control //Supervisor Engine 6-E
Interface Filter State Broadcast Multicast Level
--------- ------------- --------- --------- -----
Fi3/1 Forwarding Enabled Disabled 50.00%
Switch# show int fa2/1 capabilities //Supervisor Engine 6-E
Model: WS-X4148-RJ45V-RJ-45
Type: 10/100BaseTX
Speed: 10,100,auto
Duplex: half,full,auto
Auto-MDIX: no
Trunk encap. type: 802.1Q
Trunk mode: on,off,desirable,nonegotiate
Channel: yes
Broadcast suppression: percentage(0-100), hw
Multicast suppression: percentage(0-100), hw <===== unique to Sup Engine 6-E systems
Flowcontrol: rx-(none),tx-(none)
VLAN Membership: static, dynamic
Fast Start: yes
CoS rewrite: yes
ToS rewrite: yes
Inline power: yes (Cisco Voice Protocol)
SPAN: source/destination
UDLD: yes
Link Debounce: no
Link Debounce Time: no
Port Security: yes
Dot1x: yes
Maximum MTU: 1552 bytes (Baby Giants)
Multiple Media Types: no
Diagnostic Monitoring: N/A
Enabling Multicast Storm Control

This section includes these topics:

Enabling Multicast Suppression on Catalyst 4900M, Catalyst 4948E, Supervisor Engine 6-E, and

Supervisor Engine 6L-E, page 50-5

Enabling Multicast Suppression on the WS-X4515, WS-X4014, and WS-X4013+ Supervisor

Engines, page 50-5

Enabling Multicast Suppression on All Other Supervisor Engines, page 50-6

Note Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)EW, the counters displayed with the

show interface counters storm-control command includes any multicast packets that were dropped.