Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 57 Configuring Ethernet OAM and CFM
Configuring Ethernet CFM
Use the no form of each command to remove a configuration or to return to the default settings.
The following example illustrates how to configure Ethernet CFM crosscheck:
Switch(config)# ethernet cfm mep crosscheck start-delay 60
Switch(config)# ethernet cfm domain abc level 3
Switch(config-ecfm)# service test vlan 5
Switch(config-ecfm-srv)# mep mpid 23
Switch(config-ecfm-srv)# mep mpid 34
Switch(config-ecfm-srv)# end
Switch# ethernet cfm mep crosscheck enable domain abc vlan 5
Switch# show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote crosscheck
MPID Domain Name Lvl Type Id Mep-Up
MA Name
23 abc 3 Vlan 5 No
34 abc 3 Vlan 5 No
Switch# show ethernet cfm errors
MPID Domain Id Mac Address Type Id
MA Name Reason Lvl Age
34 abc 0000.0000.0000 Vlan 5
test RMEP missing 3 95s
23 abc 0000.0000.0000 Vlan 5
test RMEP missing 3 95s
Step 7 Switch# ethernet cfm mep crosscheck {enable |
disable} domain domain-name {vlan {vlan-id |
any} | port}
Enable or disable CFM crosscheck for one or more
VLANs or a port MEP in the domain.
domain domain-name—Specify the name of the
created domain.
vlan {vlan-id | any}—Enter the service provider
VLAN ID or IDs as a VLAN-ID (1 to 4094), a range of
VLAN-IDs separated by a hyphen, or a series of
VLAN IDs separated by comma. Enter any for any
port—Identify a port MEP
Step 8 Switch# show ethernet cfm maintenance-points
remote crosscheck Verifies the configuration.
Step 9 Switch# show ethernet cfm errors
[configuration]Enter this command after you enable CFM crosscheck to
display the results of the crosscheck operation. Enter the
configuration keyword to display the configuration error
Step 10 Switch# copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose