Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 57 Configuring Ethernet OAM and CFM Configuring Ethernet CFM
To configure Ethernet CFM you must prepare the network and configuring services. You can optionally
configure and enable crosschecking. These sections are included:
Ethernet CFM Default Configuration, page 57-7
Ethernet CFM Configuration Guidelines, page 57-7
Configuring the CFM Domain, page 57-8
Configuring Ethernet CFM Crosscheck, page 57-11
Configuring Static Remote MEP, page 57-13
Configuring a Port MEP, page 57-14
Configuring SNMP Traps, page 57-16
Configuring Fault Alarms, page 57-16
Configuring IP SLAs CFM Operation, page 57-18
Configuring CFM on C-VLAN (Inner VLAN), page 57-24
Ethernet CFM Default Configuration
CFM is globally disabled.
CFM is enabled on all interfaces when CFM is globally enabled.
A port can be configured as a flow point (MIP/MEP), a transparent port, or disabled (CFM disabled). By
default, ports are transparent ports until configured as MEP, MIP, or disabled.
There are no MEPs or MIPs configured.
When configuring a MA, if you do not configure direction, the default is up (inward facing).
Ethernet CFM Configuration Guidelines
When configuring Ethernet CFM, consider these guidelines and restrictions:
You must enter the ethernet cfm ieee global configuration command before configuring any other
CFM CLI. If not, all other CFM CLIs are not applied.
CFM is not supported on and cannot be configured on either routed ports or Layer 3 EtherChannels.
You can configure a Layer 2 EtherChannel port channel as Up MEP, Down MEP, or MIP. However,
such configurations are not supported on individual ports that belong to an EtherChannel. You
cannot add a port with this configuration to an EtherChannel group.
Port MEP is not supported and cannot be configured on Layer 2 EtherChannels.
CFM is not supported and cannot be configured on VLAN interfaces.
On isolated host, community host, or a promiscuous access port, only Down MEP is supported on
isolated, community and primary VLANs, respectively.
Up MEP is supported only on regular VLANs on PVLAN trunks. Down MEP is supported on regular
VLANs as well as isolated VLANs on PVLAN secondary trunks. Similarly, Down MEP is supported
on regular VLANs as well as primary VLANs on promiscuous trunk ports.
The CFM service on a PVLAN ends at the PVLAN port. The translation of CFM service between
PVLANs is not supported between the PVLAN ports.