Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 3 Configuring the Switch for the First Time Controlling Access to Privileged EXEC Commands
ip default-gateway
ip classless
ip route Vlan1
no ip http server
x25 host z
line con 0
transport input none
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password lab
transport input lat pad dsipcon mop telnet rlogin udptn nasi
Controlling Access to Privileged EXEC Commands
The procedures in these sections let you control access to the system configuration file and privileged
EXEC commands:
Setting or Changing a Static enable Password, page 3-13
Using the enable password and enable secret Commands, page 3-14
Setting or Changing a Privileged Password, page 3-14
Controlling Switch Access with TACACS+, page 3-15
Encrypting Passwords, page 3-22
Configuring Multiple Privilege Levels, page 3-23

Setting or Changing a Static enable Password

To set or change a static password that controls access to the enable mode, enter this command:
This example shows how to configure an enable password as lab:
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# enable password lab
For instructions on how to display the password or access level configuration, see the “Displaying the
Password, Access Level, and Privilege Level Configuration” section on page 3-24.
Command Purpose
Switch(config)# enable password password Sets a new password or changes an existing
password for the privileged EXEC mode.