Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 37 Configuring Quality of Service Configuring QoS on Supervisor Engines II-Plus, II+10GE, IV, V, V-10GE, 4924, 4948, and 4948-10GE
This example shows how to configure match CoS for non-IPv4 traffic and how to configure filtering to
match traffic with CoS value of 5:
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# class-map maptwo
Switch(config-cmap)# match cos 5
Switch(config-cmap)# end
This example shows how to verify the configuration:
Switch# show class-map maptwo
Class Map match-all maptwo (id 1)
Match cos 5
Configuring a Policy Map
You can attach only one policy map to an interface. Policy maps can contain one or more policy-map
classes, each with different match criteria and policers.
Configure a separate policy-map class in the policy map for each type of traffic that an interface receives.
Put all commands for each type of traffic in the same policy-map class. QoS does not attempt to apply
commands from more than one policy-map class to matched traffic.
The following sections describe policy-map configuration:
Creating a Policy Map, page 37-31
Configuring Policy-Map Class Actions, page 37-31

Creating a Policy Map

To create a policy map, enter this command:

Configuring Policy-Map Class Actions

These sections describe policy-map class action configuration:
Configuring the Policy-Map Marking State, page 37-32
Configuring the Policy-Map Class Trust State, page 37-32
Configuring the Policy-Map Class DBL State, page 37-32
Configuring Policy-Map Class Policing, page 37-33
Using a Named Aggregate Policer, page 37-33
Configuring a Per-Interface Policer, page 37-33
Command Purpose
Switch(config)# [no] policy-map policy_name Creates a policy map with a user-specified name.
Use the no keyword to delete the policy map.