Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 43 Configuring Port Security
Configuring Port Security on Trunk Ports
Figure 43-2 Trunk Port Security
You can configure various port security related parameters on a per-port per-VLAN basis.
Note The steps involved in configuring port security parameters is similar to those for access ports. In addition
to those steps, the following per-port per-VLAN configuration steps are supported for trunk ports.
To configure port security related parameters on a per-VLAN per-port basis, perform this task:
SVI 2 SV1 3
Layer 2 switch
Access port in VLAN 2 Access port in VLAN 3
ISL or
dot1q trunk
Logical representation of switch
Command Purpose
Step 1 Switch(config)# interface interface_id
interface port-channel port_channel_number Enters interface configuration mode and specifies the
interface to configure.
Note The interface can be a Layer 2 port channel
logical interface.
Step 2 Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation
dot1q Sets the trunk encapsulation format to 802.1Q.
Step 3 Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk Sets the interface mode.
Note An interface in the default mode (dynamic auto)
cannot be configured as a secure port.