Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 8 Configuring Supervisor Engine Redundancy Using RPR and SSO
Configuring Supervisor Engine Redundancy
Manual Swact = enabled
Communications = Up
client count = 21
client_notification_TMR = 240000 milliseconds
keep_alive TMR = 9000 milliseconds
keep_alive count = 0
keep_alive threshold = 18
RF debug mask = 0x0
This example shows how to change the system configuration from RPR to SSO mode:
Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-red)# mode
Switch(config-red)# mode sso
Changing to sso mode will reset the standby. Do you want to continue?[confirm]
Switch(config-red)# end
*Aug 1 13:11:16: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-3-COMMUNICATION: Communication with the peer Supervisor
has been lost
*Aug 1 13:11:16: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-3-SIMPLEX_MODE: The peer Supervisor has been lost
This example shows how to change the system configuration from SSO to RPR mode:
Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-red)# mode rpr
Changing to rpr mode will reset the standby. Do you want to continue?[confirm]
Switch(config-red)# end
*Aug 1 13:11:16: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-3-COMMUNICATION: Communication with the peer Supervisor
has been lost
*Aug 1 13:11:16: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-3-SIMPLEX_MODE: The peer Supervisor has been lost
Virtual Console for Standby Supervisor Engine
Catalyst 4500 series switches can be configured with two supervisor engines to provide redundancy.
When the switch is powered, one of the supervisor engines becomes active and remains active until a
switchover occurs. The other supervisor engine remains in standby mode.
Each supervisor engine has its own console port. Access to the standby supervisor engine is possible
only through the console port of the standby supervisor engine. You must connect to the standby console
to access, monitor or debug the standby supervisor.
The virtual console for a standby supervisor Engine enables you to access the standby console from the
active supervisor engine without requiring a physical connection to the standby console. It uses IPC o ver
EOBC to communicate with the standby supervisor engine, which emulates the standby console on the
active supervisor engine. Only one active standby console session is active at any time.
The virtual console for the standby supervisor engine allows users who are logged onto the active
supervisor engine to remotely execute show commands on the standby supervisor engine and view the
results on the active supervisor engine. Virtual console is available only from the active supervisor
You can access the standby virtual console from the active supervisor engine with the attach module,
session module, or remote login commands on the active supervisor engine. You must be in privilege
EXEC mode (level 15) to run these commands to access the standby console.
Once you enter the standby virtual console, the terminal prompt automatically changes to
hostname-standby-console where hostname is the configured name of the switch. The prompt is restored
back to the original prompt when you exit the virtual console.