Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 41 Configuring the PPPoE Intermediate Agent RFCs
The following example shows how to set an access node identifier of abcd:
Switch> enable
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# pppoe intermediate-agent format-type access-node-id string abcd
By default, access-node-id is not set.
Configuring the Identifier String, Option, and Delimiter for PPPoE IA on an Switch
This functionality overrides the default automatic generation of circuit-id by the system.
The options available are sp, sv, pv and spv denoting slot:port, slot-vlan, port-vlan, and slot-port-vlan
combinations, respectively. Valid delimiters are # . , ; / space.
The no form of this command without WORD, options, and delimiters, reverts to the default automatic
generation of circuit-id.
The following example shows how to set an identifier string word with option spv delimited by “:”:
Switch> enable
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config) pppoe intermediate-agent format-type
identifier-string string word
option spv delimiter :
This command does not affect the circuit ID configured explicitly per-interface or per-interface
per-VLAN with the pppoe intermediate-agent format-type circuit-id or
pppoe intermediate-agent vlan num format-type circuit-id commands.
Configuring the Generic Error Message for PPPoE IA on an Switch
This functionality sets the Generic-Error message of the switch. PPPoE IA sends this message only on
a specific error condition. If you do not specify string {WORD}, the error message is not added.
The following example shows how to configure a generic message of packet_length>1484:
Switch> enable
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config) pppoe intermediate-agent format-type
generic-error-message string packet_length>1484
PPPoE Discover packet too large to process. Try reducing the number of tags added.
By default the generic-error-message is not set. The string value is converted to UTF-8 before it is
added to the response. The message similar to the following will appear:
PPPoE Discover packet too large to process. Try reducing the number of tags added.
Note This TAG (0x0203 Generic-Error) indicates an error. It can be added to PADO or PADS packets
generated by PPPoE IA and then sent back to user in reply of PADI or PADR, when a PPPoE discovery
packet received by PPPoE IA with PPPoE payload greater than 1484 bytes. Error data must be a UTF-8