Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 12 Configuring the Catalyst 4500 Series Switch with Cisco Network Assistant Configuring Your Switch for Network Assistant
Note If you have enabled clustering, disable clustering before configuring a community (see Table 1 2 -2).
(Additional) Configuration Required to Use Community
If you plan to use community, define an IP address on each switch.
To configure a switch to use community, perform this task:
(Additional) Configuration Required to Use Clustering
If you plan to use clustering, enter the cluster run global configuration command on each device and
enter the ip address interface configuration command on the cluster commander.
To configure a switch to use clustering, perform this task:
Step 5 Switch(config)# ip http timeout-policy idle
idle_time life life_time requests requests Configures the HTTPS port.
The idle keyword specifies the maximum amount of time a
connection can stay idle. A idle value of 180 seconds is
The life keyword specifies the maximum amount of time a
connection can stay open since it was established. A life
value of 180 seconds is recommended.
The requests keyword specifies the maximum amount of
requests on a connection. The recommended maximum
number of requests allowed is 25.
Step 6 Switch(config-if)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7 Switch# show running-config Verifies the configuration.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1 Switch# configuration terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2 Switch(config)# interface {vlan vlan_ID |
{fastethernet | gigabitethernet}
slot/interface | Port-channel number}
Selects an interface.
Step 3 Switch(config-if)# ip address ip_address
address_mask (Optional) Assigns an IP address to the Catalyst 4500 series.
Note This step is mandatory if the switch is part of
community or is a cluster command switch. This step
is optional if the switch is a cluster member
Step 4 Switch(config-if)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 Switch# show running-config Verifies the configuration.