Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 12 Configuring the Catalyst 4500 Series Switch with Cisco Network Assistant
Configuring Network Assistant in Community or Cluster Mode
This example shows how to configure Network Assistant on a networked switch in cluster mode:
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# vtp domain cnadoc
Switch(config)# cluster run
Switch(config)# cluster enable cnadoc
Switch(config)# vlan 10
Switch(config-vlan)# interface GigabitEthernet 2/1
Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 10
Switch(config-if)# interface vlan10
Switch(config-if)# ip address aa.bb.cc.dd
Switch(config-if)# no shut
Switch(config-if)# ip http server
Switch(config-if)# ip http secure-server
Switch(config)# ip route
Step 7 Switch(config-vlan)# interface {vlan vlan_ID |
{fastethernet | gigabitethernet}
slot/interface | Port-channel number}
Selects the interface that connects to your CNA-enabled PC.
Step 8 Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan
vlan_id Enables the physical port to be in the specified VLAN.
Step 9 Switch(config-if)# interface {vlan vlan_ID |
slot/interface | Port-channel number} Select the VLAN instance for configuration.
Step 10 Switch(config-if)# ip address ip_address Assigns an IP address to the SVI.
Step 11 Switch(config-if)# no shut Enables the interface.
Step 12 Switch(config-if)# ip http server Starts the HTTP server so that Network Assistant can talk to
the switch.
Step 13 Switch(config)# ip http secure-server (Optional) Enables the switch to accept HTTPS connect ions
from Network Assistant.
Step 14 Switch(config)# ip route a.b.c Establishes the route to the default router, usually supplied
by the local Internet provider.
Note This line represents the only difference between the
configuration for a standalone and a networked
Step 15 Switch(config)# line con 0 Selects the console port to perform the configuration.
Step 16 Switch(config-line)# exec-timeout x y Configures an automatic session logout if no keyboard input or
output is displayed on the terminal.
Step 17 Switch(config-line)# password password Specifies a password for the console port.
Step 18 Switch(config-line)# login Allows login to the console port.
Step 19 Switch(config-line)# line vty x y Creates additional VTY lines for CNA to access the switch.
Step 20 Switch(config-line)# password password Specifies a password for the switch.
Step 21 Switch(config-line)# login Allows login to the switch.
Step 22 Switch(config-line)# line vty x y Creates additional VTY lines for CNA to access the switch.
Step 23 Switch(config-line)# password password Specifies a password for the switch.
Step 24 Switch(config-line)# login Allows login to the switch.
Step 25 Switch(config-line)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 26 Switch# show running-config| include http Verifies that the HTTP server is enabled.
Command Purpose