Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 57 Configuring Ethernet OAM and CFM
Configuring Y.1731 Fault Management
Step 3 level level-id
Configures the maintenance level for sending AIS frames
transmitted by the SMEP. The range is 0 to 7.
Disables generation of ETH-AIS frames.
Step 4 period value Configures the SMEP AIS transmission period interval.
Allowable values are 1 second or 60 seconds.
Step 5 exit Returns to global configuration mode.
Step 6 ethernet cfm domain domain-name level level-id Defines a CFM domain, set the domain level, and enter
ethernet-cfm configuration mode for the domain. The
maintenance level number range is 0 to 7.
Step 7 service {ma-name | ma-number | vpn-id vpn}
{vlan vlan-id [direction down] | port}Defines a customer service maintenance association (MA)
name or number to be associated with the domain, or a
VLAN ID or VPN-ID, and enter ethernet-cfm-service
configuration mode.
ma-name—a string of no more than 100 characters that
identifies the MAID.
ma-number—a value from 0 to 65535.
vpn-id—enter a VPN ID as the ma-name.
vlan vlan-id—VLAN range is from 1 to 4094. You
cannot use the same VLAN ID for more than one
domain at the same level.
(Optional) direction down—specify the service
direction as down.
port—Configure port MEP, a down MEP that is
untagged and not associated with a VLAN.
Step 8 ais level level-id (Optional) Configures the maintenance level for sending
AIS frames transmitted by the MEP. The range is 0 to 7.
Step 9 ais period value (Optional) Configures the MEP AIS transmission period
interval. Allowable values are 1 second or 60 seconds.
Step 10 ais expiry-threshold value (Optional) Sets the expiring threshold for the MA as an
integer. The range is 2 to 255. The default is 3.5.
Step 11 no ais suppress-alarms (Optional) Overrides the suppression of redundant alarms
when the MEP goes into an AIS defect condition after
receiving an AIS message.
Step 12 exit Returns to ethernet-cfm configuration mode.
Step 13 exit Returns to global configuration mode.
Step 14 interface interface-id Specifies an interface ID, and enter interface configuration
Step 15 [no] ethernet cfm ais link-status Enables or disable sending AIS frames from the SMEP on
the interface.
Step 16 ethernet cfm ais link-status period value Configures the ETH-AIS transmission period generated by
the SMEP on the interface. Allowable values are 1 second
or 60 seconds.
Command Purpose