Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 20 Configuring Resilient Ethernet Protocol
Monitoring REP

Configuring SNMP Traps for REP

To configure the switch to send REP-specific traps to notify the SNMP server of link operational status
changes and port role changes, perform this task:
To remove the trap, enter the no snmp mib rep trap-rate global configuration command.
This example configures the switch to send REP traps at a rate of 10 per second:
Switch(config)# snmp mib rep trap-rate 10
Monitoring REP
To monitor REP, enter the following privileged EXEC commands (Table 2 0-1).
Step 3 Switch(config-if)# rep preempt segment
segment-id Manually triggers VLAN load balancing on the segment.
You must confirm the command before it is executed.
Step 4 Switch(config-if)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 Switch# show rep topology Displays REP topology information.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1 Switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2 Switch(config)# snmp mib rep trap-rate value Enables the switch to send REP traps, and set the number of
traps sent per second. The range is from 0 to 1000. The default
is 0 (no limit imposed; a trap is sent at every occurrence).
Step 3 Switch(config)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4 Switch# show running-config Verifies the REP trap configuration.
Step 5 Switch# copy running-config startup config (Optional) Saves your entries in the switch startup
configuration file.
Table 20-1 REP Monitoring Commands
Command Purpose
Switch# show interface [interface-id] rep
[detail] Displays REP configuration and status for a
specified interface or for all interfaces.
Switch# show rep topology [segment
segment_id] [archive] [detail] Displays REP topology information for a segment
or for all segments, including the primary and
secondary edge ports in the segment.