Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 40 Configuring 802.1X Port-Based Authentication Displaying 802.1X Statistics and Status
To disable AAA, use the no aaa new-model global configuration command. To disable the AAA server
functionality on the switch, use the no aaa server radius dynamic authorization global configuration
Switch(config)# aaa server radius dynamic-author
Switch(config-locsvr-da-radius)# client ip addr vrf vrfname
Switch(config-locsvr-da-radius)# server-key cisco123
Switch(config-locsvr-da-radius)# port 3799
Note Default port for packet of disconnect is 1700. Port 3799 is required to interoperate with ACS 5.1.
Switch(config)# authentication command bounce-port ignore

Monitoring and Troubleshooting CoA Functionality

The following Cisco IOS commands can be used to monitor and troubleshoot CoA functionality on the
debug radius
debug aaa coa
debug aaa pod
debug aaa subsys
debug cmdhd [detail | error | events]
show aaa attributes protocol radius

Configuring RADIUS Server Load Balancing

This feature allows access and authentication requests to be evenly across all RADIUS servers in a server
group. For more information, see the RADIUS Server Load Balancing chapter of the Cisco IOS Security
Configuration Guide, Release 12.2:

Displaying the RADIUS Configuration

To display the RADIUS configuration, use the show running-config privileged EXEC command.
Displaying 802.1X Statistics and Status
To display 802.1X statistics for all interfaces, use the show dot1x all statistics privileged EXEC
To display the 802.1X administrative and operational status for the switch, use the
show dot1x all details privileged EXEC command. To display the 802.1X administrative and
operational status for a specific interface, use the show dot1x interface details privileged EXEC