C H A P T E R 6
Publish Your Video
Revised: November 2013
After you have uploaded or recorded a video and made any edits, the final task you have is to publish it. Before you publish your video, you can:
•Update the title, description, and tags.
•Assign it to categories.
•Choose who can see it.
•Disable page options (comments, ratings, tags, and sharing) individually.
•Link to related videos.
•Schedule exactly when it should become visible to other users.
•Schedule exactly when it should be archived (hidden from other users).
Follow these steps to publish your video. Only the fist and last steps are mandatory; the other steps are optional items you can perform before publishing your video.
1.Access the Publish Your Video Page, page
2.(Optional) Edit the Video Summary, page
3.(Optional) Restrict Viewer Access to the Video, page
4.(Optional) Disable Pulse Speakers and Keywords, page
5.(Optional) Add the Video to a Category, page
6.(Optional) Set the Video Interaction Options, page
7.(Optional) Add Related Videos, page
8.(Optional) Schedule Publication, page
9.Publish the Video, page
User Guide for Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x