C H A P T E R 5
Edit Video
Revised: November 2013
Cisco Show and Share includes a
•Trim out unwanted parts of the video.
•Divide your video into chapters.
•Insert animated transitions between chapters.
•Synchronize a slide show with your video.
•Choose a new thumbnail for your video.
•Make speaker assignments for unrecognized speakers.
•Remove incorrect Pulse keywords.
Visit the following topics to learn more about the capabilities of and how to use the Cisco Show and Share video editor:
•About Video Editing, page
•Limitations and Restrictions, page
•Procedures, page
•Troubleshooting, page
About Video Editing
The Cisco Show and Share
This type of editing does not actually change the original material in any way. Instead, it adds markers and pointers to information that accompanies video frames during playback.
User Guide for Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x