C H A P T E R 7
Create, Add, and Manage Videos
Revised: November 2013
Topics in this section describe ways that you can contribute video and supplemental files to your Cisco Show and Share community.
•Prerequisites, page
•About Video Uploads, page
•Procedures, page
•Reference, page
•Troubleshooting, page
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About Video Uploads
When you upload a video to Cisco Show and Share, one of two things happens:
1.The video is uploaded to Cisco Show and Share in its native format and served back to viewers in that form.
2.The video is sent to a Cisco MXE to be transcoded into a common format, in this case the .mp4 format, and is served back to viewers in that format. This format is also compatible with the Cisco Show and Share video editor, which enables you to synchronize slides with the video.
The Cisco MXE also enables the Cisco Show and Share mobile application support, the Pulse keyword and speaker identification features, and the ability to select different resolutions when viewing videos. Having a Cisco MXE integrated with your Cisco Show and Share system also enables additional upload formats.
To tell which type of system you have, check the status of the video after uploading it. If the status starts with the word Processing, then you have a Cisco MXE integrated with your Cisco Show and Share and the additional file formats and benefits are available to you.
User Guide for Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x