UserGuide for Cisco Digital Media Manager5.4.x
Chapter8 Authentication and Fe derated Identity
Test User Password Enter the password that corresponds to the test username. This element is visible only while
the Enable Authentication Test check box is checked.
LDAP Configuration Area
Anonymous Enables or disables an anonymous connection between your DMM appliance and your
ActiveDirectory server.
An anonymous connection is suitable when you want to see or use public information on
the ActiveDirectory server.
In contrast, when you want to see or use privileged information on your Active Directory
server, the server will require you to enter login credentials to prove that you have
sufficient access rights.
In the latter case, your ActiveDirectory server will reject any attempt to log in anonymously.
This check box is available to you only when you choose LDAP mode or federation mode.
Host Enter the routable IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname for the Active Directory server. This
field is available to you only when you choose LDAP mode or federation mode.
Port Ent er the TCP port number that your Active Directory server uses for communications. This
field is available to you only after you choose LDAP mode or federation mode.
The ActiveDirectory port number by default is :
389 for LDAP communications.
636 for LDAPS (Secure LDAP, or LDAP over SSL) and SSO communications.
Administrator DN Enter the distinguished name of the Active Directory server administrator.
This field is available to you only after you choose LDAP mode or federation mode and
uncheck the Anonymous check box.
Tip See administrator DN, page8-3.
Password Enter the password that is associated with the Administrator DN.
This field is available to you only after you choose LDAP mode or federation mode and
uncheck the Anonymous check box.
Use SSL Encryption The ch eck box to enable or disable encrypted sign-on. This check box is available to you only
when you use LDAP mode or federation mode.
Note Whenever you enable SSL or install a new SSL certificate for LDAP, you must restart Web Services
(Tomcat) from AAI. Otherwise, LDAP users cannot log in and the new (or newly enabled) SSL certificate
cannot take effect. Also—if your DMM server is one half of a failover pair— the Tomcat restart will trigger
immediate failover. (CSCtl09696)
Check the check box to enable encryption.
Uncheck it to disable encryption.
Enabling SSL causes the connections between your DMM appliance and your Active Directory
server to use LDAPS. An LDAPS connection is suitable when you want to prevent untrusted
third parties from reading credentials that the servers exchange.
Active Directory
Certificate File
Helps you to upload the digital certificate that your ActiveDirectory server uses for LDAPS
communications. This field is available to you only while the Use SSL Encryption check box
is checked.
Table8-1 Elements for Authentication Modes (continued)
Element Description