UserGuide for Cisco Digital Media Manager5.4.x
Register DMPs
Revised: September17, 2012
Concepts, page 12-1
Procedures, page 12-13
Reference, page 12-23
Overview, page12-1
Glossary, page1 2-2
Restrictions, page 12-10
Guidelines, page 12-11
Understand the Sequence of Operations for Non-Medianet Autoregistration, page 12-12
Before you can start to manage DMPs centrally, you must register them with DMM. You can automate
this process or run it manually for one DMP at a time.
Cisco DMS-native autoregistration finds every DMP in the subnets that you specify. Then, it
configures these DMPs to recognize and trust your DMM appliance. It restarts the DMPs and then
registers them in DMM for centralized management.
Medianet autoregistration finds any DMP automatically when you attach it to a Medianet-ready
switch in your Enterprise. This method optimizes the switch port for rich media delivery, and then
registers the DMP in DMM for centralized management.
We prepared this material with specific expectations of you.
Everyone—You understand IP addresses, subnets, and other LAN fundamentals.
Everyone—Your user account permissions allow you to manage DMPs.
Medianet Users—You understand Medianet fundamentals and have hands-on experience in its configuration and use.
Or,because you lack this specialization, you will study technical materials on as needed.