UserGuide for Cisco Digital Media Manager5.4.x
Chapter13 Organize DMPs in Groups
DMP List
All DMPs at (or below) a level that you highlight in the DMP Groups tree. Or, the DMPs that match your filtering criteria.
To see every registered DMP in your network, click the group that represents the root level. (By default, its name is “All DMPs
but this name is editable.) When there are more DMPs than there are rows, the list might straddle multiple pages. In this case,
use pagination controls under the table to move from one page to another.
Control TV Opens a dialog box where you can adjust standard settings for some flatscreen display models
that you might attach to a centrally managed DMP.
Run Task Opens a dialog box where you can choose commands or content for delivery to DMPs.
Add DMP Shows the Add New DMP dialog box.
Edit DMP Shows the Edit DMP dialog box.
Delete DMP Deletes the DMP that you highlighted.
Assign DMP to Group Creates an association between at least one DMP and at least one group.
Remove DMP from Group Severs the association between at least one DMP and at least one group.
Filter A method to redraw the DMP List table, including only those DMPs that match your criteria.
N per page Choose from this list how many rows the table should show. Its options are 10, 20, 50, and 100.
Your choice affects table pagination when the table contains more records than rows. In this
case, you can use pagination controls under the table to load records from a different range.
Name A unique and human-readable name that you entered or that DMM chose; If DMM chose th e
name, it is either the DMP IP address or MAC address.
Status Says whether a DMP is reachable.
A green icon tells you that the DMP is connected to a power source, uses a known IP
address, and is reachable.
A red icon tells you that the DMP is unreachable.
LCD Status One of these:
IP Address The public IP address at which the DMP receives instructions and data from DMM.
Version The release number for the installed firmware version on the DMP.
Product The DMP model number.
Description The description that you entered.
Internal Storage Free/Total
Measures the available storage capacity of the DMP’s internal solid-state drive, and then
measures the totalcapacity.
External Storage Free/Total
Measures the available storage capacity of the external USB drive, if the DMP is connected to
one, and then measures the total capacity.
WAAS Status Says that a DMP has mounted a CIFS share, or does not say anything.
Table13-2 Elements for Managing DMPs and DMP Groups (continued)
Element Description