UserGuide for Cisco Digital Media Manager5.4.x
Chapter9 User Group Assignment s
FAQs and Troubleshooting
FAQs, page9-11
What might prevent a user from logging in to DMM with an account that I created in DMS-Adm in?
By default, DMS-Admin assigns all newly created user accounts to a user role called “ReadOnly.
Users with this role cannot log in to DMM. To grant this right to users, you must assign
module-specific rights to them in Digital Signs. Afterward, their user role changes to “Admin.”
Password The password for the user account. You must enter a password, and then reenter it.
Re-enter password
Active list Signifies whether the account holder is an active or inactive user of CiscoDMS. Alternatively,
signifies whether the account holder is active in your organization.
Optional Contact Info
Company The agency, corporation, nonprofit organization, or other such institution to be associated with
this user account.
Department The department within the institution.
Phone The telephone number to be associated with this user account.
Optional Group Selection
Unlabeled check box Marks the groups to which this user should belong.
Groups column Shows the group name.
Description column Optional, brief description of the group and its purpose.
Table9-2 Elements for Creating and Editing User Accounts Manually (continued)
Element Description