UserGuide for Cisco Digital Media Manager5.4.x
Chapter19 Content Distribution and Delivery
Enable maximum
transfer rate
Enforces or ignores a maximum transfer rate that you specify.
This rate is the upper threshold allowed for bandwidth consumption by DMS-CD during its deployments
to any one DMP in your WAN. We measure this rate in kilobits per second (Kbps). The value that you
enter should be less than the maximum transfer rate of your network.
In combination with the Number of concurrent deployments value and the number of DMPs in a group
that you target, this threshold limits how much bandwidth DMS-CD can consume during a deployment.
For example, assume for a moment that QoS policies in your network limit DMS-CD bandwidth
utilization to a maximum of 64 Kbps, and you have enabled the maximum transfer rate setting with a
value of:
64 Kbps—Individual DMPs will each consume 64 Kbps per deployment. So, if you then set the
number of concurrent deployments value to 10, you will use 64 Kbps x 10 = 640 Kbps. Furthermore,
you cannot set the Number of concurrent deployments value any higher than1, because 64 x 1 = 64.
32 Kbps—Individual DMPs will each consume 32 Kbps per deployment. So, if you then set the
number of concurrent deployments value to 10, you will use 32 Kbps x 10 = 320 Kbps. Furthermore,
you cannot set the Number of concurrent deployments value any higher than 2, because 32 x 2 = 64.
21 Kbps—Individual DMPs will each consume 21 Kbps per deployment. So, if you then set the
number of concurrent deployments value to 10, you will use 21 Kbps x 10 = 210 Kbps. Furthermore,
you cannot set the Number of concurrent deployments value any higher than 3, because 21 x 3 = 64.
The permitted value is any whole number in the range from 28 to 102400, whe re 102400 Kbps is the same
as 100 Mbps. The factory-default setting ignores this threshold. If you prefer to enforce it, check the
FTP or SFTP, according to your security requirements.
When you choose SFTP, connections are encrypted between your DMM server and your DMPs.
Otherwise, these sessions use clear text. Even though the factory-default setting is FTP, we recommend
that you use SFTP.
Maximum file
size (in MB)
The maximum number of megabytes—per file— that DMS-CD will transport inside a multifile
deployment package to your DMPs, before the file that reached this threshold is moved to the back of the
queue and its transfer is deferred.
The next file advances to the front of the queue and the deployment continues. DMS-CD applies this
threshold to a deployment package as many times as necessary until it has cycled through all of its files,
and then the transfer is resumed for the deferred file after it returns to the front of the queue. This
threshold might cause the transfer of any especially large file to be distributed across days. Bottlenecks
are prevented and as many assets are provisioned as can be provisioned.
The permitted value is any whole number in the range from 10 to 1024000, where 1,024,000 MB is the
same as 1 TB. The factory-default maximum size is 600 MB.
Although it is technically feasible to enter a file size as great as 1024000 MB, playback fails for
any file that is larger than 1.9 GB, regardless of the DMP model type. This size is constrained by
the limits of streaming.
Table19-5 Elements to Configure DMS-CD Deployment Thresholds (continued)