Chapter 3 T1 and E1 Feature Cards
Getting Help
To verify the impedance, enter the show
Note By default, input impedance is 120 ohm. In the following example, the input impedance was successfully changed to 75 ohm using the
Router# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
controller E1 0
clock source
Getting Help
For information about technical support, onsite service, and exchange and repair services, see the “Obtaining Technical Assistance” section on page xvi.
Where to Go Next
The remaining chapters of this guide include information about installing and troubleshooting feature cards and about building cables.
•Chapter 4, “Channelized T3 Feature Card”
•Chapter 5, “Universal Port and
•Chapter 6, “Voice Feature Card”
•Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”
•Appendix A, “Cabling Specifications”
Cisco AS5350XM and Cisco AS5400XM Universal Gateways Card Installation Guide
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