Using Wireless LAN


T Enter “scanner” for the user name,

• Ad hoc mode



enter the password, and then click

A method of communicating


with other computers, peer




to peer, without an access





point. The same communica-


User name is fixed to “scanner”.

tion channel must be used for


all computers.


The initial factory default pass-


• 802.11 Ad hoc mode


word is “password”. You can


A method of communicating


change the password using


with other computers, peer


[Configuration] [Basic Settings]



to peer, without an access


The setup screen appears.

point. The same communica-


tion channel and SSID must




U Click [Basic Settings], and then

be used for all computers.


[TCP/IP] on the sub-menu.





V Make settings to each of the setup

Enter the SSID (Service Set Iden-


items on the screen.

tifier) you want to use, using up


to 32 characters. The SSID cur-





rently in use appears in paren-


p.52 “System Settings”



LAN Type

This information appears if


[802.11 Ad hoc mode] or [Infra-


Switch between network inter-

structure mode] is selected in the


face board and wireless LAN

[ Communication Mode ] list.


(IEEE 802.11b) board. Be sure to

The SSID is an identifier used


set this item to “IEEE 802.11b”.

when connecting between an


Network Boot

access point and a wireless LAN


client. Only a wireless LAN cli-


Select [DHCP] to use the DHCP


ent and an access point that


server to make network settings

have the same SSID can com-


automatically. When using DH-

municate with each other.


CP, the IP address, subnet



mask, and default gateway ad-


dress obtained from the DHCP

If [802.11 Ad hoc mode] or [Ad hoc


server are used.

mode] is selected in the [Commu-


Select [NONE] to make network

nication Mode] list, select a com-


settings manually.

munication channel.



Communication Mode

The channel is a set radio fre-


quency used for wireless LAN


Select the communication


(IEEE 802.11b). Computers us-



ing the same channel can com-


• Infrastructure mode

municate with each other.


A method of communicating




with other computers via an




access point. The SSID must




be the same as the one set for the access point.


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CNET Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier appendix Channel, Communication Mode, 189