Enhanced DEFAULT Configures the
Configure SATA as [IDE]
Use the Configure SATA as option to configure SATA devices as normal IDE devices.
IDE DEFAULT Configures SATA devices as normal IDE device.
AHCIConfigures SATA devices as an ACHI device.
IDE Master and IDE Slave
When entering setup, BIOS automatically detects the presence of IDE devices. BIOS displays the status of the auto detected IDE devices. The following IDE devices are detected and are shown in the IDE Configuration menu:
Primary IDE Master
Primary IDE Slave
Secondary IDE Master
Secondary IDE Slave
Third IDE Master
Third IDE Slave
The IDE Configuration menu (BIOS Menu 4) allows changes to the configurations for the IDE devices installed in the system. If an IDE device is detected and one of the above listed four BIOS configuration options are selected, the IDE configuration options shown in Section appear. IDE Master, IDE Slave
Use the IDE Master and IDE Slave configuration menu to view both primary and secondary IDE device details and configure the IDE devices connected to the system.
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