R e c o r d i n g P r o g r a m s : T h e B a s i c s
Program Information Screen
In the Program Guide, highlighting a program title (that is not currently playing) and pressing SELECT displays some information about the program. You can also choose “Season Pass & other options” to get to the Program Information screen. The Program Information screen includes a brief description of the selected program. It also shows the program’s start time, channel, duration, ratings, advisories, and other attributes. For more details on a given program, press INFO at a Program Information screen. The Program Details screen appears.
If you have given a program a Thumb rating, Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down icons appear at |
the top of the Program Information screen. You can change the rating here by pressing | 5 |
Ratings and Advisories. The Program Information screen shows ratings and advisories for the selected program. For a description of movie and television ratings, and of television advisories, see “Parental Controls” on page 90. A movie may also have advisories, regardless of whether it has a rating. The following movie advisory codes may appear in parentheses after the description:
AC: Adult Content | SC: Sexual Content | N: Nudity |
AL: Adult Language | MV: Mild Violence | BN: Brief Nudity |
GL: Graphic Language | GV: Graphic Violence | RP: Rape |
Other attributes. Other attributes may appear in parentheses after the description of a program. These may include genre information or technical notes such as CC (for closed captioning), letterbox (which means the program is broadcast in letterbox, a