MODULE CONFIG/CAN-Baudrate: The currently set CAN baud rate of the RCM-26 is being indicated. Pressing the ENTER button opens the Set CAN-Baudratedialog box, which by pressing the Up/Down buttons, lets the user select one of the following CAN baud rates: 10kBaud, 20kBaud, 62.5kBaud, 125kBaud, 250kBaud or 500kBaud.
Pressing the ENTER button stores the selected baud rate in memory and the display returns to the MODULE CONFIG menu.
All devices on a specific CAN-BUS must be set to the same baud rate.
MODULE CONFIG/Audio-Input:The currently used audio input is indicated. Pressing the ENTER button opens the Select Audio-Inputdialog box, which, by pressing the Up/ Down buttons, allows selecting Analog or AES/EBU inputs. Pressing the ENTER button stores the desired input in memory and the display returns to the MODULE CONFIG menu.
MODULE CONFIG/Power: The power amp’s actual operating status after using the mains switch is displayed.
If standby mode has been activated via IRIS-Net™ and the power amplifier has been switched off using the mains switch, the power amp automatically restarts into standby mode the next time it is switched on by pressing the mains switch. This menu item allows booting the power amplifier out of standby mode, even without IRIS-Net™.
Pressing the ENTER button opens the Set Power dialog box, which allows the selection of On or Standby operating states by pressing the Up/Down buttons. Pressing the ENTER button stores the desired status in memory and the MODULE CONFIG menu reappears on the display.