The MODE switch on the power amp’s rear panel defines the operation mode of the power amplifier blocks and thus, how a single or more speaker systems have to be connected.
In BRIDGED mode, the power amplifier functions as
Illustration 2.9: BRIDGED mode
In BRIDGED mode operation, it is not allowable for the load connected to fall below a va- lue of 4 ohms. Extremely high voltages can be present at the output. The connected speaker systems must be able to handle such voltages. Make sure to completely read and fully observe power rating specifications of the speaker systems to be used and to check them against the output power capacity of the power amp.
PowerH SERIES amplifiers can be operated at an input sensitivity of 0dBu as well as at a constant gain of 35dB or 32dB. A correspondingly labeled LED on the power amp’s front panel indicates the respective setting of the sensitivity/gain switch, which is located on the power amp’s rear panel.
If a remote control module is used the sensitivity/gain switch is deactivated and the sen- sitivity/gain of the amplfier is automatically set to 35 dB.
An Input sensitivity of 0dBu means that with an input signal of 0 dBu (0.775 Vrms), the signal at the power amplifier outputs is at Rated Output Power. This setting is recommended for audio signal sources that deliver a nominal output voltage of 0 dBu. As an alternative, operating the power amp at a constant gain of 35 dB or 32 dB is also possible. Operating all power amps in a setup – even those of different performance classes – at constant gain setting greatly simplifies the adjustment of signal processors. This allows the
Owner’s Manual 15