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1.Ställ maskinen på en plan yta och fyll behållaren med kallt vatten. (Maskinen får inte användas när behållaren är tom.) Anslut ström- sladden till ett eluttag och tryck in på-knappen.

1.Placér apparatet på en flad over- flade, og fyld beholderen med koldt vand. (Brug ikke apparatet, hvis beholderen er tom!) Sæt stikket i en stikkontakt, og tryk på TIL- knappen.

1.Pane laite tasaiselle pinnalleja täytä säiliö kylmällä vedellä. (Lai- tetta ei saa käyttää, jos vesisäiliö on tyhjä!) Kytke virtajohto pistorasiaan ja paina ON (päällä) -painiketta.

1.Sett maskinen på et flatt under- lag, og fyll beholderen med kaldt vann. (Maskinen må ikke brukes med tom beholder!) Sett strømled- ningen i stikkontakten, og trykk på PÅ-knappen.

2.Första gången du startar maski- nen ställer du en skål på dropp- gallret. Vänta tills strömindikator- lampan lyser med ett fast sken. Låt en fylld vattenbehållare passera igenom maskinen för att skölja rent uppvärmningssystemet utan att sätta in filterhållaren.

2.Placér en skål på drypgitteret, når du tænder apparatet første gang. Vent, til strømindikatoren lyser kon- stant. Lad alt vandet i beholderen løbe gennem apparatet for at rense varmesystemet uden at indsætte filterholderen.

2.Kun kone käynnistetään ensim- mäistä kertaa,pane ritilän päälle kulho. Odota, kunnes merkkivalo palaa tasaisesti. Älä pane suodat- timen pidikettä paikoilleen. Valuta täyden vesisäiliön verran vettä koneen läpi, jotta kuumennusjärjes- telmä puhdistuu.

2.Sett en bolle på dryppristen før- ste gang du starter maskinen. Vent til strømindikatoren lyser konstant. Kjør en full beholder med vann gjennom maskinen uten å sette inn filterholderen, for å skylle varmesys- temet.

3.Göra en espresso: När strömindi- katorlampan lyser med ett fast sken är maskinen redo för användning. Följ sedan instruktionerna i steg 4–6.

3.Brygning af espresso: Kaffemaski- nen er klar til brug, når strømindika- toren lyser konstant. Følg derefter vejledning i trin 4-6.

3.Espresson valmistus: Kone on käyttövalmis, kun virran merkkivalo palaa tasaisesti. Noudata vaiheiden 4–6 ohjeita.

3.Slik lager du espresso: Maskinen er klar til bruk når strømindikator- lampen lyser konstant. Følg deretter anvisningene i trinn 4-6.

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2009-06-10 11:21:57

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Electrolux EEA250 manual ELX12542FrancaEspressoSelectorELX26lang.indd 2009-06-10

EEA250 specifications

The Electrolux EEA250 is a standout appliance in the realm of dishwashers, renowned for its efficient cleaning performance and innovative features. This model promises to simplify your dishwashing tasks while ensuring that your dishes come out sparkling clean, making it a practical choice for families and individuals alike.

One of the key features of the EEA250 is its impressive cleaning capacity. With multiple rack configurations, it can accommodate a significant number of dishes, pots, and pans in a single cycle. The adjustable top rack allows users to customize the space according to their needs, effectively maximizing the dishwasher's capacity for various types of crockery.

The EEA250 employs advanced cleaning technologies, including an efficient wash system that ensures a thorough clean with every cycle. The unique spray arm design enhances water distribution, reaching every corner of the dishwasher to remove stubborn food residues and grease. This technology is complemented by a robust filtration system that prevents food particles from redepositing on clean dishes, thereby maintaining hygiene standards.

Energy efficiency is another notable characteristic of the Electrolux EEA250. With an eco-friendly design, it utilizes less water and energy compared to traditional dishwashers. This not only helps reduce utility bills but also minimizes environmental impact, making it an attractive option for eco-conscious consumers. The energy-efficient operation does not compromise performance, as the EEA250 provides superior cleaning power while conserving resources.

Moreover, the EEA250 incorporates user-friendly features that enhance the overall experience. The intuitive control panel allows users to easily select from various wash programs, including quick washes for lightly soiled items and intensive cycles for heavily soiled pots. Additionally, the dishwasher operates at low noise levels, ensuring that it doesn't disrupt household activities during operation.

In terms of design, the Electrolux EEA250 showcases a sleek and modern aesthetic that seamlessly integrates into contemporary kitchens. The durable stainless-steel finish is not only stylish but also resists fingerprints and smudges, making maintenance easy.

Overall, the Electrolux EEA250 is a high-performance dishwasher that combines advanced cleaning technologies, energy efficiency, and user-friendly features. With its capacity to accommodate a variety of dishware and an eco-conscious approach, this model makes dishwashing a hassle-free and environmentally responsible task.