Paper roll Miscellaneous commands GS ( H
Ver. 10.0 1 p. 427
Print Example[Model-dependent variations] TM-P60TM-P60The printer does not support function 49.Program Example
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);”(G”;CHR$(3);CHR$(0);CHR$(49);CHR$(48); CHR$(1); ←specifies the offline response
[function 48]
PRINT #1, ”AAAAA”;CHR$(&HA); ←Print data on paper
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);”(G”;CHR$(2);CHR$(0);CHR$(82);CHR$(48); ←Pre-process for cut sheet insertion ends
[function 82]
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);”(H”;CHR$(6);CHR$(0);CHR$(48);CHR$(48);”0001” ←Specifies process ID [function 48]
PRINT #1, ”BBBBB”;CHR$(&HA); ←Print data on paper
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);”(H”;CHR$(6);CHR$(0);CHR$(48);CHR$(48);”0002” ←Specifies process ID [function 48]
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);”(V”;CHR$(66);CHR$(0); ← Cutting paper
Print sample
← Paper cutting
← The process ID response (0002)
← The process ID response (0001)