Chapter 5
This page allows viewing of the Conditional Access (CA) Service Status and activation of various Director controls.
To view this page, select the CA tab from the top of the current web page.
Figure 5.14CA Web Page
The Director section of this web page allows the user to view the current settings for the Director and to activate or deactivate various functions as required.
The BISS section of this web page allows the user to view and modify the settings for Basic Interoperable Scrambling System (BISS). These are Mode 1, Mode E Fixed, Mode E Ericsson, Mode E User One, Mode E User Two. Mode 1 uses an unencrypted key for the BISS key. Mode E uses an encrypted key, which uses either an internal code word or User One or User Two to decrypt, depending on the mode.
The Signal Protection section of this web page allows the user to enable or disable signal protection.
The RAS section of this web page allows the user to select Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) or Fixed Key mode and input a
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