Annex A


Encoding of a transmission to prevent access without the


appropriate decryption equipment and authorization.


Electronic Programme Guide: On-screen programme listing using


thumbnail pictures and/or text.


The most widely used local area network (LAN) defined by the IEEE


as the 802.3 standard. Transmission speeds vary according to the


configuration. Ethernet uses copper or fibre-optic cables.


European Telecommunications Standard.


European Telecommunications Standards Institute.


German for CVBS


Federal Communications Commission.


Frequency Division Multiplex: A common communication channel for


a number of signals, each with its own allotted frequency.


Forward Error Correction: A method of catching errors in a


transmission. The data is processed through an algorithm that adds


extra bits and sends these with the transmitted data. The extra bits


are then used at the receiving end to check the accuracy of the


transmission and correct any errors.


Fast Fourier Transformation: A fast algorithm for performing a


discrete Fourier transform.


First In, First Out: A data structure or hardware buffer from which


items are taken out in the same order they were put in. Also known


as a shelf from the analogy with pushing items onto one end of a


shelf so that they fall off the other. A FIFO is useful for buffering a


stream of data between a sender and receiver that are not


synchronized - i.e. they not sending and receiving at exactly the


same rate.


Frequency Modulation: Analogue modulation procedure


The area of the Earth’s surface covered by a satellite’s downlink


transmission. Also (generally) the area from which the satellite can


receive uplink transmissions.


File Transfer Protocol: A protocol used to transfer files over a


TCP/IP network (Internet, UNIX, etc.). For example, after developing


the HTML pages for a Web site on a local machine, they are


typically uploaded to the Web server, using FTP. Unlike e-mail


programs in which graphics and program files have to be attached,


FTP is designed to handle binary files directly and does not add the


overhead of encoding and decoding the data.


The ITU-T standard which defines the physical and electrical


characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces.


Group of Pictures: MPEG video compression works more effectively


by processing a number of video frames as a block. The Ericsson


AB Encoder normally uses a 12 frame GOP; every twelfth frame is


an I frame.

EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A
