Chapter 5

Save Splice Logs File - allows the user to save the current splice logs file. It is recommended that these are saved periodically, as they may be required in the event of a fault occurring on the unit. Left-click on the link to display the log in the web page (click the browser refresh button to return to the Web Browser Interface). Right-click on the link and select the Save button in the displayed dialog to save as a file.

Save Event Logs File - allows the user to save the current event logs file. It is recommended that these are saved periodically, as they may be required in the event of a fault occurring on the unit. Left-click on the link to display the log in the web page (click the browser refresh button to return to the Web Browser Interface). Right-click on the link and select the Save button in the displayed dialog to save as a file.

Save Quality Logs File - allows the user to save the current quality logs file. It is recommended that these are saved periodically, as they may be required in the event of a fault occurring on the unit. Left-click on the link to display the log in the web page (click the browser refresh button to return to the Web Browser Interface). Right-click on the link and select the Save button in the displayed dialog to save as a file.

Store New Software Application 0/1 File - allows the user to upgrade the receiver. Click the Browse button to locate the application file and then click the Upload button to upload the file to the receiver. The receiver must be rebooted to run the new software; this can be done using the Reboot button on the Device Info tab page.


This page gives access to a Web Interface User guide which provides a brief description of the interface functionality. To view this page, select the Help tab from the top of the current web page.

Figure 5.38Help Web Page

Select the appropriate heading listed on the web page for help with the associated functions and features.


EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A