Chapter 7
7.4.6Summary Status LED Unlit
If the Summary Status LED is unlit,
Table 7.2 Summary Status LED Unlit
Step | Action | If Result of Action is Yes… | If Result of Action is No… |
1 | Check Status LED. Is the | If the unit is clearly working | Proceed to next step. |
| unit still working? | normally then the Status LED |
| itself is probably at fault. Call a |
| Service Engineer. |
2 | Check Power Source. | The problem lies within the unit | The problem lies with the power |
| Connect a | or power cable. Proceed to next | source. Check building circuit |
| piece of equipment to the | step. | breakers, fuse boxes, etc. If |
| power source outlet. Does it |
| problem persists, contact the |
| work? |
| electricity supplier. |
3 | Check Power Cable and | The problem lies within the unit. | The problem lies with either the |
| Fuse. Unplug the power | Proceed to next step. | cable itself, or with the fuse in |
| connector from the unit and |
| the plug. Replace the fuse or try |
| try it in another piece of |
| to substitute another cable. |
| equipment. Does it work? |
4 | Check PSU Module(s) and | Replace the fuse with one of | Possible problem with the PSU |
| Fuse(s). Ensure the power | the correct type and rating. If | module. Call a Service |
| connector is unplugged. | the PSU still does not work, | Engineer. |
| Remove the fuse from the | unplug the power cable and call |
| rear panel connector and | a Service Engineer. |
| inspect it. Has the fuse |
| blown? |
7.4.7Fan(s) Not Working/Overheating
The unit is fitted with fans, all of which run continuously. The unit contains a temperature sensor that will highlight if there is a cooling problem. In the event of overheating problems, refer to Table 7.3.
Note: Failure to ensure a free
EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A |