15 Ethernet interface
14.2.2.Format of the emission messages
The exchanges from the recorder to a control system are messages made of successions of ASCII characters (and possibly binary objects) ended with a termination sequence.
The format of the emission messages is identical with the format of the reception messages. However, its structure is more rigid.
The syntax of an emission message is: Message unit + termination sequence
Message unit:
If the message includes several message units, they will be separated by ";".
Termination sequence:
-RS232 link (selection in the Config menu):
-CR: Carriage Return (13 in decimal)
-LF: Line Feed (10 in decimal)
-CR and LF.
-Ethernet link:
-LF: Line Feed (10 in decimal)
Syntax of a message unit:
A message unit (for example: :TYP:THE J,COMP) is made of several fields
- Heading:
(for example :TYP:THE) made of one (simple heading) or several (composed heading) chains of 1 to 12 alphabetical characters (upper case only or digital or "_" (coded ASCII 95 in decimal).
A heading chain always begins with an alphabetical character.
In a composed heading, character chains are separated with the ":" character (for example :TYP:THE).
-Heading separator:
"space" character (32d) only
-One or several pieces of data:
(for example: J,COMP) alphanumerical, digital or made or various characters or binary octets.
-Data separator:
A comma ",".
There are several types of pieces of data:
-Alphanumerical data:
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