15 Ethernet interface
Validation register:
It allows you to control the status register of the alarms:
When a bit of this register is equal to 1, it makes it possible that the status 1 of the bit of same rank of the status register of alarms leads to setting to 1 the bit #0 of the status register of service request (STB).
Writing into this register is made by the *SRQ_ENABLE <NRF> where <NRF> is the sum of the values of binary weight of the validation register.
Reading this register is made with "SRQ_ENABLE ?"
14.4.5.Using the structure of status data
Before any use, youd better send to the recorder the instruction *CLS that resets to zero all the status registers.
The user should first determine which events he wants to detect by allowing them in the validation registers:
-with the instruction "SRQ_ENABLE n" for events related to the alarm registers
-with the instruction "*ESE n" for events related to the standard event registers
-with the instruction "*SRE n" for events related to the service request register.
Programming a service request for: a start or a stop of
SRQ_ENABLE 3 | (Bit 0 and 1 at 1) |
*ESE 32 | (Bit 5 at 1) |
*SRE 49 | (Bit 0, 4 and 5 at 1) |
In RS232, the control system should regularly read the service request register with the instruction "*STB?". The switching of the bit 6 (MSS) to 1 shows that an authorised event has occurred.
The status byte that has been read makes it possible to determine the type of event that has occurred. In the case of a standard or specific event, the associated status register must be read with the "*ESR?" or "SRQ_TYPE ?" instructions to know precisely which event has shown up.
A standard event has occurred. The instruction "*ESR?" is sent: Answer by the recorder: 160 (Bit 7 and 5 to 1)
Two events have been detected
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