9 Memory mode
Transfer to memory with a
Transfer to memory with a +50% delay relatively to the beginning of the memory
9.5.Double Trigger mode
In this mode, you will use a start trigger and a stop trigger.
You will thus record the measurements between those two triggers.
The acquisition will automatically stop:
-when the stop condition is valid
-or when the memory block is full
An information window will summarise the general configuration of the acquisition :
-channels and functions between the channels validated for the acquisition
-number of dots per channel (according to the number of blocks)
-total acquisition time (according to the acquisition rate)
-position of the trigger (according to the
You launch the data acquisition by pressing the Start/Stop key.
It will appear at the top left of the screen:
-the number of the current block if required
-the current sampling rate
- the status of the acquisition (waiting for triggering, filling xx% )
-the opening of a saving file if required
-a bargraph where you can recognise the percentage of achieved acquisition and the percentage of displayed acquisition.
The menu key F1 Stop allows you to stop the current acquisition.
If the acquisition time of the record is less than 2 minutes, the whole acquisition will be displayed. You wont be able to exit this page then: the acquisition must be stopped before you can change of menu.
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