3 Initialisation
3.1.1. Storage precautions of the records
In order to preserve the quality of the paper records, it is advisable to abide by some handling precautions:
-never use
-store away from light, in a dry and cool place
The recorders work with normalised mains (see chapter "technical specifications"). It has been designed for indoor use.
This appliances must be connected to the mains with the cable furnished.
This appliances are security class I appliances according to the CEI1010 (NF EN 61010) classification Security regulations for electric appliances for measure, regulation and laboratory
It also should be supplied with a
This instruments should be grounded with the cable furnished.
Interrupting the grounding cable inside or outside the instrument is
FORBIDDEN and makes the appliance DANGEREOUS
3.2.1. Fuse
The protecting fuse of the mains cannot be reached by the user. In case of default of power supply, contact the
Type for ESCORT 3008B supply : 5 A, 20 mm
Type for ESCORT 3016B and ESCORT 3004B suuply : 2,5 A, 20 mm
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