15 Ethernet interface
| Defines the logic channels trigger |
| P1=16 bits trigger values beetween " | triggerinf on Logic Channel VL1 |
TRIG:CHan P1,P2,P3 | P1=Number of the channel (A1,A2 etc...) | TR:CH A1,S1,EDGEP |
| P2=Threshold ( S1 ou S2) |
| P3=POS or NEG | triggering on rising edge of channel A1 (threshold |
| 1) |
| for rising edge or falling edge |
TRIG:COm P1 | Defines the complex trigger | TRIG:CO DEL;CO:DEL 2,S;RESET; ADD |
| A1,S1,POS; ADD A2,S1,NEG |
| P1=OR, AND or DELta which is : |
| one of the thresholds (OR) |
| all the thresholds (AND) | We have 2 thresholds : S1 on A1 and S1 on A2 |
| slope (DELta) |
TRIG:COm:DELta P1,P2 | Defines the slope |
| P1 = value ( from 1 to 500) |
| P2 = Sec or MIN or HOURS |
TRIG:COm:REset | reset trigger : delete all conditions |
TRIG:COm:ADD P1,P2,P3 | Add a threshold to the trigger |
| P1=Number of the channel (A1,A2 etc...) |
| P2=Threshold ( S1 or S2) |
| P3=POS or NEG |
| for rising edge or falling edge |
| |
TRIG ? | Returns the value of pointed trigger |
The trigger that you have to program depends on the latest command sent (alarm, trigger start, trigger stop, etc.)
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