4 Use
-Time cursors to display the vertical cursors (2) in order to make measures in the display; move the cursors by selecting 1 or 2 then turning the thumb wheel, or click on the cursor with the mouse if it is connected
-Voltage cursors to display the horizontal cursors (2) to make amplitude measures on the display; proceed as for the time cursors to move them. You van also change the range / zero to expand and move your measure on the screen.
Time base: changes the base of the sweeping time of the F(t) display, from 100s/div up to 10mn/div; each division includes 100 dots, i.e. a sampling frequency from 1 Mech/s (1
s) up to
0.16ech/s (6 s).
In F(t) mode (oscilloscope mode),the sweeping is in triggered
mode for time bases < 50 ms/div, and in
mode above.
In triggered
mode, the 4 following parameters set the trigger of the displayed acquisition. These parameters are not available in
Choice: choice of the triggering channel
Front: active front of triggering
Level: vertical position of the trigger between
Position Decl.: horizontal position of the trigger between 0 and 10 divisions
In triggered
mode, the position of the trigger is marked with a small triangle on the selected channel.
Validation: choice of the displayed channels on screen; identical as the main key Valid. channels
Calculation Math.: adding automatic measurements on screen; click Add
to add a measure on the screen and
to delete one; see chapter
Mathematical calculations
-# Param: choice of the measure for modification
-Channel: choice of the channel on which you will assign the measurement
-Type of function: Amplitude for amplitude measurements, Time for time measurements or Calculation for measurements of average values and effective values RMS
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