10 Go/Nogo mode
Sample rate: sampling rate of the channels
-internally rated from 1 s to 20 min
-externally rated through the logical channel 16
Blocks: division of the internal memory into blocks
-1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128
-Raz Blocks: deleting all the blocks: the current block is the #1 block
Start: start condition of the acquisition
-Manual: with the F2 key Urge triggering
-Trigger: with an association of the analogical or logical channels - see Chapter 6
-Waiting for: after a delay or at a precise date and time
-Automatic: immediate; automatic stop when the block is full
Memory Mode
-place and name of the saving file
-maximum length of the file
Impossible is displayed when the saving capabilities are overrun: reduce the sampling rate or the number of channels
See chapter File mode to know the limitations of the file recording
Following: actions after the end of the acquisition
-Save on file: saving the acquisition into a file if the
-Plot: plotting the acquisition
-Stop: no action
-Rearm.: waiting for the start condition
-Change Setup: loading a configuration and waiting for the start trigger
10.2.Creation of the frame
Make a normal acquisition or display a previously recorded file with the function Memory output .
In the page Trigger , select the parameter Channels for Go/Nogo then Visualize the frame then Modify .
The appliance will then display the current frame. It appears as 2 curves (a min and a max curve) around the channel selected as a reference for the frame.
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