SETTING NUMBER OF CHOCOLATE PUMP CYCLESThis feature will allow you to program the number of chocolate pump cycles for any cup size. The unit is preset to the following from the factory:
If the number of
“CAFE MOCHA” pump cycles has been changed for a particular cup size, it is necessary to enter the
Small - 6 oz. | 2 cycles | 1 cycle |
Medium - 8 oz. | 2 cycles | 1 cycle |
Large - 10 oz. | 3 cycles | 2 cycles |
1.To set the number of chocolate pump cycles for each cup, press the "UP" button on the hidden menu scroll buttons until the following message
a)Press the "START" button to enter the set mode.
b)Select the cup size and product to be programmed on the front selection panel.
c)Using the hidden setting adjustment buttons, increase or decrease the number of pump cycles. Maximum is 8 for hot chocolate and 3 for café mocha.
d)To set, press either one of the two hidden menu scroll buttons.
Once a cup size is programmed to brew a double- cup, it will no longer brew a single cup.
Any one of the three cup sizes can be programmed to dispense a
1.To program a cup to be a
a)Press the "START" button to enter the set mode.
b)On the front selection panel, press the cup size that needs to be programmed to become a
c)To program back to single cup, repeat the above procedure. Pressing the cup size will switch the LED off, which indicates the
Please note that if the carafe feature is enabled, it overrides the
Suprema 2001 - Operation & Service | July 6, 2001 | Page 25 of 60 |