This section will assist you with the initial installation, taking into account several possible circumstances. While not all can be described here, this information can be used in nearly all types of plumbing you will encounter at a new account.
The location of the coffee maker placement at an account is a decision that is made with the contact person at that account. This decision is usually made in advance by your company's representative. It is important to remember that the coffee maker gets placed in an easily accessible, and highly visible area for the majority of its customers, and that it is easily accessible for any service that may be required. It is also important to consider height. The person who will be filling the ingredient dispensers must be able to easily reach the top of the coffee maker. There must be adequate room to lift the lid on top of the coffee maker, and to open the front door. The tables below outline the clearances needed for the area in which the coffee maker is installed.
Installation Dimensions | Suprema | |
Height: |
| 41 inches (104.5 cm) |
Depth: |
| 28 inches (71.5 cm) |
Width: |
| 22.5 inches (57 cm) |
Height - | with Hopper | 45 inches (114.5 cm) |
| Extension |
Width - | with cup holder | 26.5 inches (67.5 cm) |
Width - with A.P.P. unit or | 32.5 inches (82.5 cm) | |
bill acceptor unit or |
| |
condiment stand. |
We recommend the use of a high quality water filter (such as Everpure Filters). Filters will eliminate most odors present in water, and will reduce the amount of particles entering the water tank. The following are basic instructions for installing a cartridge type filter using a head bracket (Everpure type filter).
1.Assemble the retaining bracket to the filter head.
2.Insert the cartridge into the filter head and turn the cartridge clockwise.
3.Apply Teflon tape to the threaded portion of two 3/8" x 1/4" fittings and screw each into the filter head.
4.Mount the water filter at an easily accessible place for servicing, such as:
(a)Under the sink against the back or side wall,
(b)On the back of a utility cabinet,
(c)On the back of the coffee maker,
(d)Any location generally within 20 feet of the machine.
Suprema 2001 - Operation & Service | July 6, 2001 | Page 9 of 60 |