Switching between eight-color and six-color modes, however, does require switching ink(s):

1 x 6

1 x 8

2 x 6

C = Cyan, mC = Medium Cyan, lC = Light Cyan

M = Magenta, mM = Medium Magenta, lM = Light Magenta

Y = Yellow

K = Black

CX = Change Ink

Fig. 3-6. Possible modes with a 1x8 ink set

Caution When changing ink colors, if you change the print- head and reservoir without changing the existing ink tube, ink from the reservoir will mix with the differ- ent ink in the ink tube, producing a third color. When you change ink colors, you must replace the existing printhead, tube, and reservoir with the printhead, tube, and reservoir containing the new ink color.

The printer will display an error if you install a print- head and/or reservoir in the wrong position for the selected ink set, but it cannot detect whether the ink tube does not match the other components.

Since inks of different dilutions are very difficult to visually discern in the ink tubes, be sure to label all components and replace them one color at a time, as described in “Replacing Ink System Components” on page 3-17.

Switching Between Ink Sets


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Image 67
HP 0706124 REV B manual Switching Between Ink Sets