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You may configure Print Master to print a programmable message and the logical name of the source computer on a separate sheet of paper before printing any other data. You may enable or disable the Header Page Message for each individual computer port.

Factory default is: This print job is for:, with the Header Page Message disabled.


Print Master allows printer (or plotter) sharing between multiple computers and a single printer or multiple printers. In multiple printer applications, users may contend for the next available printer on a first-in-first-out basis or select a specific printer. Print data is stored in the unit's buffer and sent to the printer as it can receive the information.

From the factory, Print Master is preset to allow multiple computers to share one printer. The default printer port is Port 1. If your application requires sharing multiple printers or if you will be sharing a single printer with an interface (parallel or serial) that does not match Port 1, you must access configuration mode and change the Port Assignment (or Number of Printers) for the appropriate port(s).


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HP 710F, 710E, 708D, 708E, 706C, 706D, 708C, 706A manual