￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿(￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Print Masters equipped with Option 19 (Cascade Option) are configured exactly as described in Section 7.2 or Section 7.3 of this manual with the exception of SET UNIT ID NUMBER. Each 710 Print Master with Option 19 is configured individually through Port 10. During operation, Port 10 is typically used to cascade to another Print Master. Therefore, you should make the necessary configuration changes to each unit prior to cabling the units together. Please review the following configuration notes for cascading 710 models.

1.Each 710 model must be assigned a unique Unit ID Number (see Appendix B.1.3). This number is used to direct a print job to a specific unit in the cascaded chain. Port 10 of a 710 having a lower Unit ID Number will connect to Port 9 of a 710 having a higher Unit ID Number. For example, if you have two 710s with Unit ID Numbers of 1 and 2 respectively, Port 10 of Unit 1 would connect to Port 9 of Unit 2.

2.The serial configuration (i.e., baud rate, word size, etc.) of cascading ports on interconnected units must match. Following our example in NOTE 1 above, the serial configuration of Port 10 on Unit 1 must match that of Port 9 on Unit 2.

On Print Master 710C only, Ports 9 and 10 will always be set to the same configuration. If you change the configuration of Port 9, Port 10 will match this configuration automatically and vice versa. This is not applicable on the 710E or 710F units.

3.Cascaded 710 units must be configured with the same Printer Select Code.

4.Cascaded units should operate in Printer Select Mode 2.

5.If the number of printers is changed on a unit, the Unit ID Assignment Number on all computer ports will automatically reset to that unit's ID number.


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HP 706A, 710F, 710E, 708D, 708E, 706C, 706D, 708C manual