CAUTION: If Y is sent before changing the configuration device to the new configuration (baud rate or parity), Print Master will not receive the Y response. However, you will be locked out of Print Master. If this occurs, recycle Print Master power. Print Master's configuration will default back to the last saved configuration. You must then
If you answer Y (yes), the new configuration for that port will be stored permanently in
If you answer N (no), the new configuration will be stored in RAM, and on the next
NOTE: The Y and N responses must be upper case. If a lower case Y is entered, Print Master will interpret it as "no" and the changes you have made will not be saved permanently in memory.
IMPORTANT: Ports 9 and 10 on the model 710C must have matching baud rates, word size, stop bits and parity. When you configure either Port 9 or Port 10 individually, Print Master will automatically set the other port to match. This does not affect XON/XOFF or Logical Name settings, which are set individually.
Print Master will now return to the main configuration menu (see Section 7.2.1).