Chapter 11

Solution: Use TrueType or OpenType fonts to ensure that the product is able to print smooth fonts. When selecting a font, look for the TrueType or OpenType icon.

Some software applications offer custom fonts that have jagged edges when enlarged or printed. Also, if you want to print bitmapped text, it might have jagged edges when enlarged or printed.

Cause: The font was a custom size.

Document is misprinted

If your document does not print correctly, check the following topics to see how the issues might be resolved:

Text and images are misaligned

Document is printed off-center or at an angle

Parts of the document are missing or printed in the wrong place

Envelope is printed at an angle

Document does not reflect the new print settings


Text and images are misaligned

Solution: If the text and images on your printouts are misaligned, then align the print cartridges.

For more information, see Align print cartridges.

Document is printed off-center or at an angle


1.Verify that the paper is correctly placed in the input tray. For more information, see Print documents.

2.Verify that the paper guide fits firmly against the edge of the paper.

3.Reprint the document.

Parts of the document are missing or printed in the wrong place

Solution: Open the Printer Properties dialog box and confirm the following options:












Portrait or Landscape: Verify the appropriate








Size: Verify the appropriate paper size.







Scale to paper size: Select this option to scale text and




graphics to the paper size specified in the corresponding




drop-down list.





