
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Pen x/Color

Choices Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, Gray-25%, Gray-50%,

Gray-75%, Green, Magenta, Orange, Red, Violet,


Default Pen 1—Black (100% black)

Pen 2—Black (100% black)

Pen 3—Red (70% black)

Pen 4—Green (41% black)

Pen 5—Blue (89% black)

Pen 6—Violet (59% black)

Pen 7—Orange (25.8% black)

Pen 8—Brown (50% black)

Setting Line Printer Parameters

The following twelve configuration options are available.


Sets the printer fonts for the current print job. Any PostScript fonts available on the printer can be used. To see a list of available PostScript fonts, print an advanced status page through the printer configuration menu.

Menu Administration/Emulations/Line Printer/Font

Choices All printer-resident PostScript fonts.

Default Courier

Printer Configuration
